And so the most hyped up time of the year is approaching. Bank accounts decrease, credit card bills increase... what more could one want! Oh, and you get paid early in December so you have to stretch the cash to make it to January! Thats why January is the worst month for recuperation. But don't fret! That's why they introduce all of the sales... so you spend more money!!! YEY!!!
I don't hate xmas if thats the vibe your getting from my first paragraph, it sounds all doom and gloom but I like to just imprint the truth on people instead of being disillusioned. This year is going to be tight for me you would think - being at uni and all - but it truly isn't, i have enough money left to buy each and every one of you a present!... from poundland. No, no i don't. But i'll get by as each and everyone of us does!
i don't want to sound all moralistic or anything here, but do young children really know the true MEANING of xmas? "PRESENTS!" yes i thought so... Well i know it's an important time of year for those that are deeply religious also, but i believe its just an excellent chance to drink, be with the family and stuff your face with chocolate! hahaha! you weren't expecting that now were you?? Didn't think so...
Only 2 more grueling weeks of university to go and then i'm left off the hook. Well you would think so, but i have deadlines in OVER xmas, how dissapointing!! They want to increase the prices of uni when they are draining our souls of all free time we have. (yeah so i chose to go SHOOT ME, i can moan all i like!)
New Years Eve, so over rated, just another chance to do exactly the same as xmas day! Not like i will be doing anything except for snoring through the fireworks and screams of HAPPY NEW YEAR. "Yeah wake me up when its a well deserved year like... in the next millennium"
Xmas tree up at home, university room - lifeless. Such a dismal thing about xmas at uni, need to buy xmas decorations when at home you can tell that some ornaments are decades old, probably great-great grandmas hand made angel that runs through the family - don't get me wrong i'm all for holding onto family memories but when you have some crappy poundland papery decorations - xmas spirit is a little low.
Has anyone seen the price of nuts this year?? It may just be me but seriously, 3.50 for a bag that is the size of crisp packet, no thanks id rather go spend it on some off license booze to drain the thought of the extorsion of it all...
Happy Holidays all, hope you have a great day and don't forget to crack out the advent calendars! (dont forget to also buy them in early january; nothing beats cheap chocolate that has the surprise of opening ALL days in 1 ey!!!
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